1. Introduction
It's important that you carefully review these Terms and Conditions ("Terms"), along with our Privacy Policy, before submitting your application. This will ensure you fully understand the commitments we make as a Higher Education provider, as well as your responsibilities toward us. These Terms cover various aspects, including our identity, how we will deliver our Programs, how either party may terminate the Contract, and the steps to take if you encounter an issue or wish to file a complaint. If you believe there is an error in these Terms, please reach out to us to discuss it.

These Terms establish the foundation of the relationship between LONDON ADVANCED BUSINESS ACADEMY LTD ("London Advanced Business Academy", "we," or "us") and any applicant ("you" or "your") applying for one of our study Programs.
1. About London Advanced Business Academy and How to Contact Us
Who we are

LONDON ADVANCED BUSINESS ACADEMY LTD is a company registered in England and Wales, with company registration number 15802316. Our registered office is located at 86-90 Paul Street, London, Greater London, England, EC2A 4NE.

How to contact us

  • Phone number: You can reach our customer service team at +44 7448 151 724.
  • Email: Contact us via or through our website at
  • Postal address: Write to us at 86-90 Paul Street, London, Greater London, England, EC2A 4NE.

We will acknowledge your enquiry by email as the first point of contact.

Cancellation: : If you wish to cancel, please refer to our Refund Policy for instructions. You can find more details here:

How we may contact you: If we need to reach out to you, we will do so by phone, SMS text message, or by writing to you at the email or postal address you provided in your Application.

The terms "writing" or "written" in these Terms include communication via email.
3. Definitions
  • Access Date: The date when you are granted access to ilearn and/or begin receiving learning materials, following your acceptance of our Offer.
  • Application: Refers to the process by which you apply to join one of our Programmes.
  • Contract: The agreement between us to provide you with a Programme, which becomes binding once you accept our Offer to study with London Advanced Business Academy.
  • ilearn: The online or virtual learning platform where you will study your Programme.
  • Learning Environment: The environment(s) available to you to support your studies, which include the Online Distance Learning environment.
  • Offer: The confirmation that your application to one of our Programmes has been accepted.
  • Online Distance Learning: The learning experience provided entirely through a virtual learning environment, which includes ilearn and any online resources from affiliated universities.
  • Programme: A course of study or research that may be completed online through online learning.
  • Programme Fees: The fees associated with your Programme, as outlined on our Website.
  • Programme Materials: Any learning materials provided to you as part of your enrolment in the Programme, including resources on ilearn.
  • Prospectus: The digital or printed information pack that includes details and visual content about a specific Programme.
  • Student Handbook: The digital handbook provided to you upon joining a Programme.
  • VLE: The virtual learning environment where you can access ilearn, assessment submission portals, Unitu, and other related systems.
  • Website: Our official website at, where you can apply for a Programme.
4. Applying to Study
4.1 What you need to do:

4.1.1 To enroll in a Programme, you must apply online through our Website ( and submit all requested documentation. The application process allows you to review and make changes to your application before final submission.
4.1.2 Your application must be submitted within the 12-month period prior to the start of your chosen Programme. To be considered for enrollment, you must meet the entry requirements for that Programme and provide appropriate evidence to demonstrate that you fulfill these criteria.
4.1.3 You are required to confirm your country of legal residence on the Application and provide evidence of your identity, nationality, and date of birth. Failure to disclose this information accurately will result in the rejection of your application or cancellation of your enrolment in the Programme.
4.1.4 You must prove that you have attained the necessary level of English language proficiency to fully participate in your chosen Programme. If we determine, based on reasonable assessment, that your English language skills are insufficient for the Programme, we reserve the right to withdraw our Offer or cancel your enrolment.

4.2 What we will do:

4.2.1 If your Application is incomplete, we will make an effort to contact you to clarify or obtain the missing information before processing your Application.
4.2.2 If your Application is approved, we will make you an Offer to join the Programme. This Offer may come with conditions, such as pending receipt of a ratified qualification. You must accept the Offer in writing and confirm your ability to pay the Programme Fees before we provide access to your Learning Environment and release learning materials to you.
4.2.3 Our Offer will remain valid for acceptance for 12 months from the date of the Offer, unless we agree to other terms.
4.2.4 If we cannot accept your application, we will notify you in writing. Possible reasons for rejection include failure to meet the Programme’s entry requirements, oversubscription of the Programme, an incomplete application that could not be corrected, or an error in the Programme Fees or description. If you have already paid the Programme Fees, we will refund you in full according to the Refund Policy’s timelines.
4.2.5 Your application will be rejected and/or your enrolment will be canceled if it is discovered that you provided misleading or inaccurate information during the Application process.
4.2.6 As part of the Application process, we will inform you when and how the Programme will be provided, and we will also explain the process for ending the Contract (see Clause 11).
5. Our Programmes
5.1 Prospectus Accuracy: While we strive for accuracy, we reserve the right to correct any typographical, clerical, or other errors or omissions on our Website, in sales literature, quotations, Programme Fee lists, invoices, Prospectuses, or other documents or information we issue. These corrections will only be made if they do not materially affect the Contract between you and London Advanced Business Academy.

5.2 Requirements for Programmes: Programmes offered via Online Distance Learning can be accessed from anywhere in the world without the need for a UK residency visa.

5.3 Access to ilearn: It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary access, network connections, and equipment to use ilearn and access your Programme and Programme Materials through our Website. London Advanced Business Academy is not liable for any technical difficulties you may encounter when connecting to ilearn or for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to comply with these Terms and related London Advanced Business Academy policies.

5.4 External Content: If we refer you to content on non- London Advanced Business Academy websites, we do not accept any liability for the content of those sites or for any technical difficulties you may experience while using them.

5.5 Prohibited Actions: You must not:

5.5.1 Breach these Terms;
5.5.2 Copy (except as allowed for normal use of the Programme), reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, or modify any of the Programme Materials or the software underlying ilearn, nor communicate them to any third party without our prior written consent;
5.5.3 Remove, adapt, or tamper with any copyright, trademark notice, legend, or logo that appears as part of the Programme Materials.
6. Non-EU Students
6.1 No Sponsorship Without Our Express Permission: If you are a non-EU student, you agree not to use any communication from us or our partners to obtain or extend a UK residency visa without our prior written consent.

6.3 Third-Party Academic Support: If you seek or receive educational, tutoring, or other academic support from anyone who is not a London Advanced Business Academy tutor, or if you share any Programme Materials with such a third party without our prior written permission, your enrollment in the Programme may be immediately terminated.

6.4 Ilearn: We accept non-EU students into Online Distance Learning Programmes.
7. Learning Environment
7.1 Access to Learning Environment: You will be granted access to your Learning Environment, Programme Materials, and tutor support once you have accepted our Offer and we have authorized your access. This access will continue for the duration of the Programme and will end upon its completion.

7.2 Module(s) Access: You will have access to your Learning Environment, Programme Materials, and tutor support for the duration corresponding to the fees you have paid. After completing a Module, you will still have access to the Learning Environment and Programme Materials for the remainder of the Programme, but tutor support for that specific Module will no longer be available.

7.3 Additional Reading Not Included in Programme Materials: The Programme Materials and tutor support are intended to provide all the necessary information to successfully complete the Programme. While we can recommend additional reading, access to or copies of these materials are not necessarily included in the Programme Fees. If you wish to access or obtain additional reading materials, you will need to do so at your own expense.
8. Assessments
8.1 Assessment Timetables: A timetable is provided to help you prepare for assessments in your Programme, and it is recommended that you follow the guidelines given. If you are unable to meet assessment deadlines, you must notify us immediately in writing.

8.2 Assessment Submissions: Assessments must be submitted according to the instructions provided on the ilearn module page. If you submit your assessment correctly and before the deadline, it will be marked, and feedback will be provided. The outcomes of your assessments will be subject to the academic regulations of the awarding body.

8.3 Professional Body Examinations: If your Programme includes an examination with a professional body, it is your responsibility to apply to sit for the examination with the relevant professional body unless we have agreed otherwise in writing.

8.4 Re-assessment: If you fail an assessment or examination, we reserve the right to charge a re-assessment fee if you wish to retake it.
9. Changes to the Programme
9.1 If You Wish to Transfer to Another Programme:

9.1.1 Before You Start: If you apply to transfer to another Programme before you begin your original Programme, we will inform you if the transfer is possible and provide details of any changes, such as Fees or timing, to help you decide whether to proceed.
9.1.2 After You Have Started: If you wish to transfer to another Programme after you have begun your original Programme, and we confirm that the transfer is possible, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of £250. This fee must be paid before you commence the new Programme.
9.1.3 Fees: In both scenarios, if you have already paid fees for your original Programme, we will refund any difference if the new Programme's fees are lower. Conversely, if the new Programme's fees are higher, you will need to pay the difference.

9.2 Our Rights to Make Changes to the Programme:

9.2.1 Withdrawing the Programme: We reserve the right to make significant changes, such as withdrawing a Programme entirely before you have accepted our Offer and we have authorized your access. This may occur if there is insufficient enrollment or if a third-party awarding body withdraws the Programme. We typically aim to provide at least two weeks' notice of such withdrawals.
9.2.2 Significant Changes: Before making any significant changes to a Programme in which you are enrolled, we will consult you, except for changes that are beneficial to students, such as improvements to learning materials. Notice of any significant changes will be posted prominently on ilearn.
9.2.3 Updates to Digital Content: We may update digital content in the Programme Materials to reflect changes in facts, understanding, research, or law. We will ensure that the updated content aligns with the description provided at the time of your enrollment.
10. Providing the Programme
10.1 Commitment to Delivery: We commit to delivering the services associated with the Programme until its completion, unless you or we terminate the Contract as outlined in Clause 11.

10.2 Delays: If there is a delay in providing the Programme due to circumstances beyond our control, we will notify you as soon as possible. If the delay poses a significant risk, you have the right to cancel the Contract. In such cases, we will issue a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy for the parts of the course you have not yet received. If the delay is our fault and materially impacts key delivery dates, you may have the right to cancel the Contract under certain conditions.

10.3 Extending the Period of Registration: Extending your period of registration is only possible under exceptional circumstances and requires our written permission.
11. Terminating the Contract
11.1 Your Rights to End the Contract: You may terminate the Contract if we fail to meet our obligations. Reasons include an incorrect description of the Programme, significant changes you do not accept, unacceptable delays in delivering the Programme, failure to provide agreed content, or if you change your mind within the 14-day cooling-off period permitted by law. All terminations are subject to conditions in our Refund Policy.

11.2 Changing Your Mind: You have a legal right to cancel within 14 days after accepting our Offer in writing without incurring any charges. If you cancel after starting the Programme, you may be required to pay for the part of the Programme provided up until your cancellation. For complete details, refer to the Refund Policy. You can cancel the Contract before completion (completion is defined as receiving a formal qualification). However, you may be liable for fees for any part of the Programme already completed. Please review our Course Fee Payment Policy for detailed information on fees in conjunction with your offer pack and any subsequent payment agreements.

11.3 How to End the Contract: To end the Contract, please contact us in writing (see contact details in Clause 2).

11.4 Our Right to End the Contract: We reserve the right to terminate the Contract if you fail to pay the Programme Fees as outlined in our Course Fee Payment Policy; if your conduct breaches our code of conduct detailed in the Student Handbook; if we cannot reach you using the contact details provided during the Application process; if you do not provide necessary information, such as proof of qualifications, within a reasonable timeframe; or if we determine that your English language proficiency is insufficient to meet the Programme's demands (see Clause 4.1.4).

11.5 Refund of Fees: Any refunds will be calculated according to our Refund Policy.
12. Complaints
12.1 Complaints Procedure: If you have questions or complaints regarding the Programme or Programme Materials, please contact us by telephone, email, or in writing as outlined above. Complaints can be submitted directly or through a nominated legal representative.

12.2 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Alternative dispute resolution involves an independent body reviewing the facts of a dispute and seeking a resolution without court proceedings. Additionally, disputes may also be submitted for online resolution via the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
13. Fees
13.1 Examination Fees: Distance learning students are responsible for paying examination fees for any exams.

13.2 Programme Fees Information: Programme Fees are detailed on our Website, and as confirmed in your Application.

13.3 Payment of Fees: Payment methods are listed on our Website. Fees must be paid in full at enrolment unless a separate payment plan has been agreed upon with London Advanced Business Academy. If a sponsor is paying your fees, payment is due within 30 days of receiving the invoice. An official company sponsor must provide a purchase order number.

13.4 Incorrect Programme Fees: If we identify an error in the Programme Fees, we will notify you and offer the choice of paying the corrected Fees either immediately or within a specified timeframe, or cancelling your Contract.

13.5 Late Payment: We reserve the right to deactivate your account and cancel your access to the Programme if you fail to pay your Programme Fees on time, or if your sponsor or lender does not pay the invoice within 30 days of receipt (unless the invoice is disputed).

13.6 Fee Increases: We reserve the right to increase Programme Fees annually in October, with increases capped at the Retail Price Index (RPI).
14. Intellectual Property Rights
14.1 Ownership:

14.1.1 The intellectual property rights in the Programme, Programme Materials, and ilearn are solely owned by us. You acknowledge that all such rights are and will remain our exclusive property.
14.1.2 The rights to access and use the Programme, Programme Materials, and ilearn are licensed to you for the purpose of your studies only.
14.1.3 You have no rights to the Programme, Programme Materials, or ilearn beyond those necessary for your studies.
14.1.4 You must not make any unauthorized use of, or copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, display, post, or transmit any part of the Programme, Programme Materials, or ilearn, nor permit others to do so.

14.2 Work Created by You: Any documentation, project work, or other materials created by you during the Programme remain your sole property.

14.3 License for Submitted Work: When you submit work to us as part of your Assessments (see Clause 8), you grant us a permanent license to use that work for academic, research, and publication purposes, and to share it with external moderators or other third parties. We will ensure you are credited as the creator, though anonymization may be necessary for moderation and marking purposes.
15. Liability
15.1 Our Liability to You: We will exercise reasonable care and skill in fulfilling our obligations under these Terms. Except as provided in Clause 13.2, our total liability to you for any claims or losses is limited to the amount of your Programme Fees paid in any one year.

15.2 Exclusions from Limitation of Liability: The limitation of liability does not apply to claims for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

15.3 Events Outside Our Control: We are not liable for any unforeseeable events or circumstances beyond our control, even if we have used reasonable care. Examples include industrial action, staff shortages or illness, severe weather, or civil disorder.

15.4 Defective Digital Content: If defective digital content provided by us (including Programme Materials or content accessed through ilearn) damages your device or digital content due to our failure to use reasonable care and skill, we will either repair the damage or provide compensation (subject to the limit stated in Clause 14.1). However, we are not liable for damage that could have been avoided by applying an update offered free of charge, or for damage caused by not following installation instructions or not meeting the minimum system requirements advised by us.
16. Privacy Statement
We will handle your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our Privacy Policy is available on our Website or can be provided upon request.
17. Other Important Provisions
17.1 Transferring the Contract: We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organization. We will notify you in writing of such a transfer, and it will not affect your rights under the Contract. If you are dissatisfied with the transfer, you may contact us within 30 days of notification to end the Contract, and we will refund any Programme Fees paid in advance for the Programme not yet provided.

17.2 Discrepancies: In case of any conflict between these Terms and our Privacy Policy or Website Terms of Use, these Terms will take precedence.

17.3 Applicable Provisions: The terms and conditions in effect at the time of your purchase of a Programme or individual Module(s) will apply to the contract between you and us.

17.4 Transferring Your Rights: The Contract is personal to you and cannot be transferred to another individual or entity.

17.5 No Third-Party Rights: These Terms are exclusively between you and us. No other person or entity has any rights to enforce these Terms.

17.6 Severability: If any provision of these Terms is found to be unlawful by a court, the remaining provisions will continue to be in effect.

17.7 Delay in Enforcement: If we delay in enforcing any part of these Terms, it does not waive our right to enforce them later. For example, if you miss a payment and we continue to provide the Programme without immediate action, we can still require payment at a later date.

17.8 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any legal proceedings related to the Programme or your contract with London Advanced Business Academy must be brought in the courts of England and Wales.